Tank manufacturer

Biexo Inc. over time


Located in Saint-Roch-de-L’Achigan, Biexo Inc. specializes in the manufacture of tanks, retention basins and engine oil storage and recovery equipment, which is used by car dealerships and garages.


The Lanaudière-based company was founded in 2008. The first step was to equip itself with safety equipment to pass UL Canada standards. . In this way, it ensures that its products are built and certified to the highest quality standards. It then moved into premises to start operations.

A year later, Biexo Inc. won its first contract. Its customer was Stewart Warner Alemite Canada, a manufacturer of industrial lubrication equipment. As the company received more and more requests, it decided to move to a new building and hire new workers. At this point, Biexo Inc. had five employees.

In 2012, the company decided to purchase a 60 x 136-foot plot of land to build a plant that would better meet its needs. Biexo Inc. decided to expand its team once again, with the aim of offering unrivalled customer service while producing quality tanks.

The second phase of construction came a few years later. The plant was expanded by 20 x 80 feet. This new space enabled the installation of a robot to automate part of the welding process. As a result, the company was able to increase its productivity.

It then took advantage of the pandemic to modify its premises once again. Since the tanks are custom built, the workspace has to be optimized. In this way, the team can respond to any request. Despite these tough times, the company was able to continue its operations thanks to its robot.

From the outset, Biexo Inc. has been known for its professionalism and quality products. What’s more, the company sells its tanks throughout Quebec and Canada. Loyal customers include Alemite (SKF), a manufacturer of bearings, seals and lubrication systems, Samson and April Superflo.


The manufacturer of dynamic fluid systems is constantly evolving and adapting to change. Because the company cares about the environment, it manufactures safe tanks that have been designed to reduce environmental risks.